Functional design for effective flushing
An easy-to-use bottle with an ergonomic eye cup and a generous flow of fluid.
Quick and easy to open
Cederroth Eye Wash is opened in one simple operation. Simply twist the bottle to open it!
Cederroth Eye Wash can be positioned in several different ways, making it suitable for all workplaces. The Cederroth Wall Bracket is ideal for this.
Thorough flushing
It is vital to start flushing within the first few seconds following an accident. Cederroth Eye Wash provides a generous flow of fluid. The eye cup is shaped to channel the fluid to the eye without unnecessary waste while helping to keep the eye open.
Higher chance of saving your eyes
As well as diluting and flushing away the dangerous substance, Cederroth’s buffered Eye Wash also has a neutralizing effect on splashes from alkalis and acids. The effect is in general stronger for alkalis than for acids.
Non-buffered flushing solutions only dilute the acid/alkali and flush it away, which requires more fluid and prolongs the flushing time.
Eye cup protected from dust
The integrated dust cover keeps the eye cup clean. The dust cover also acts as an opening device.